COVID Regulations

In this category you will find currently valid COVID regulations that have an impact on travel.

PLEASE NOTE: Even though we try to keep the information updated, all travellers should always contact the relevant authorities in the respective countries for the latest news and valid regulations.

Botswana 2 Themen

For regular updates relating to health measures and travel restrictions, please also check the following:
Botswana Covid Task Force:
2 Themen
0 Antworten
Requirements on arrival in Bot ... von Ern Tailor 3 Jahre 9 Monate her

Namibia 3 Themen

For regular updates relating to health measures and travel restrictions, please also check the following:
Ministry of Health and Social Services:
Namibia Tourism Board:
3 Themen
0 Antworten
Namibia relaxes Covid Regulati ... von Ern Tailor 3 Jahre 5 Monate her

South Africa Keine Themen

For regular updates relating to health measures and travel restrictions to and from South Africa, please also check the following:

Department of Health:
South Africa Tourism:
0 Themen
1 Antworten
South Africa moves to Alert Le ... von Ern Tailor 3 Jahre 8 Monate her

Zambia 1 Thema

For regular updates relating to health measures and travel restrictions to and from Zamibia, please also check the following:

Zambia Ministry of Health:
Zambia Tourism:
1 Themen
1 Antworten
Topic No. 80486845 von GeorgeNog 1 Jahr 1 Monat her

Zimbabwe 1 Thema

For regular updates relating to health measures and travel restrictions to and from Zimbabwe, please also check the following:

Zimbabwe Ministry of Health & Child Care:
Zimbabwe Tourism:
1 Themen
0 Antworten
Entry requirements for Zimbabw ... von Ern Tailor 3 Jahre 9 Monate her

Einfach planen, sicher buchen

Reisen in Afrika mit TiA einfach planen und sicher buchen



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