Travel Tips and Advice

In this section you can share your recent travel experiences, give tips on where to go and where to stay and in general exchange ideas and views about travel through-out Southern and Eastern Africa.

Accommodation Keine Themen

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Day Trips, Activities and Excursions Keine Themen

Discussions about boat cruises, game drives, city excurions, scenic flights and basically any kind or short trips and activities can be found under this category.
Please feel free to share your experiences.

Please note: Specific feedback to an activity or excurions should be be given directly to the respective tourism service supplier, which can be found under Activities & Tours on this website.
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Tourism sites and locations Keine Themen

This category is aimed at sharing information about typical tourism sites and locations through-out the country.
Please feel free to share your experiences at any of the tourism destinations through-out Southern and Eastern Africa.
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What are the best tourism site ... von Liam1234 2 Jahre 10 Monate her

Road Conditions 12 Themen

This section deals with road conditions through-out Southern and Eastern Africa.
12 Themen
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Stay informed with our diverse ... von Twxqrploure 11 Monate 2 Tage her

COVID Regulations 7 Themen

In this category you will find currently valid COVID regulations that have an impact on travel.

PLEASE NOTE: Even though we try to keep the information updated, all travellers should always contact the relevant authorities in the respective countries for the latest news and valid regulations.
7 Themen
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Topic No. 80486845 von GeorgeNog 1 Jahr 1 Monat her

TiA Forum

This section of the forum serves as a plattform to interact with TiA. You can give suggestions or feature requests, etc.

Welcome Mat Keine Themen

We encourage new members to introduce themselves here. Get to know one another and share your interests.
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Aw: Welcome to the Traveler's Foru ... von Ern Tailor 4 Jahre 7 Monate her

Suggestion Box Keine Themen

Have some feedback and input to share?
Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site better and more user friendly for our guests and members a like.
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Einfach planen, sicher buchen

Reisen in Afrika mit TiA einfach planen und sicher buchen



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