The Minister of Health in Namibia has announced amended regulations regarding the management of Covid-19 in Namibia on 31 May 2021. The following is a brief summary of all travel related regulations that will be in effect:
1. From 31 May 2021 at 00h00 until the 30 th of June 2021 the following change in restrictions will be into effect.
2. Total allowed persons at gatherings has changed from 100 to 50 max. indoors and outdoors.
3. The curfew remains in place from 22h00 to 04h00
4. A max of 50 spectators are allowed at sporting events
5. No contact sports allowed
6. Rapid test results will not be accepted anymore. To enter Namibia you need a negative PCR test.
7. The test must be valid 7 days from day of testing.
8. People arriving from high risk countries like India must get tested again after 7 days of arrival in Namibia. The Ministry of Health and Social Services still has to publish a list of countries that are deemed "high risk".
9. Public transport remain the same at manufacturers capacity.
10. Wearing of masks remains compulsory in all public places and shops as well as the general health and social distancing protocols.
Last edit: 3 years 9 months ago by Ern Tailor.
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