Traditional Hunt @ ! Ari g//aoqna village

Dauer: 8 Stunden
Von Tsumkwe
Nach Tsumkwe
Sprachen: English
Traditional hunt for meat & other food sources. Full Day walking in the wild together with hunters, in search of warthog, springbok, springhare, porcupine, or large birds. It is not guaranteed that you will have success but, the experience is exhilarating

The cultural and environmental tours offer a wide range of experiences that allow our guests to meet the remarkable Ju/’hoan people and experience their unique culture as it exists today and from their ancient past. Our knowledgeable and experienced guides are members of the local community and can answer questions about their culture, the flora and fauna of the Eastern Kalahari and the life of San people in modern Namibia.

Your Guide:
Ciqae Tsamgao (Smallboy) grew up in /Aotcha village and learnt all his traditional Ju/’hoansi values, skills and practices from his father. He is a field guide with extensive experience of the bush, animals, and birds of his area. He is passionate about the preservation of the San culture and always eager to share his knowledge and heritage with his guests. He speaks and understands good English as his second language. Smallboy was part of the Ju/’hoansi team of trackers from Tsumkwe who visited France to help archaeologists identify prehistoric human tracks inside caves.

TUCSIN Tsumkwe Lodge

Tsumkwe, Tsumkwe, Namibia Auf Karte zeigen Telefon: +264-67-240 901

Besucher der TUCSIN Tsumkwe Lodge können nicht nur die alte und einzigartige Kultur der San-Gemeinschaft erleben, sondern tragen auch zur Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlagen der lokalen San-Bevölkerung bei.

Tatsächlich kann die San-Gemeinschaft nicht mehr ausschließlich durch Jagen und Sammeln überleben, daher benötigen sie eine lokale Perspektive für Bildung und Ausbildung. Es ist von grundlegender Bedeutung, die Gemeindemitglieder und insbesondere die Ju/’hoan San Buschmänner, die im Nyae Nyae Conservancy leben, zu integrieren. Es erfordert einen gut informierten Umgang mit den wertvollen – aber seltenen – Wertesystemen traditioneller Jäger-Sammler-Gesellschaften.

In der Nähe der Nyae Nyae Pans und des Khaudom Nationalparks ist die TUCSIN Tsumkwe Lodge ein idealer Ausgangspunkt, um die Sambesi (Caprivi) Region sowie Botswana über den Grenzposten Dobe zu erreichen, um das berühmte Okavango-Delta zu erleben. Tsumkwe ist immer noch ein Wildnisparadies abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade!

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+264-61-375 650
Wichtige Information
Im Preis enthalten
Bush Walk with a knowledgable guide from the local San community.
Im Preis nicht enthalten
Transport to and from ! Ari g//aoqna village, which is situated approx 11km from Tsumkwe. The village can be reached with a normal 2x4 vehicle, combi or truck. Tips and gratuities are also not included.
Storno Regelung
This tour is facilitated by Natural Destinations, the official tour partner of TiA. Any booking are on request only and you will receive a separate booking confirmation from Natural Destinations together with payment infos. Any booking is only 100% confirmed once payment has been received.

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