Quad Buggy Nature Trail

Dauer: 3 Stunden
Von Sesriem
Nach Sesriem
Sprachen: English
Experience the spectacular local surrounds during a late afternoon guided nature drive with our Quad Buggies on our private reserve.

A wonderful and different way to experience the spectacular local surrounds. We depart from the Lodge in the late afternoon with our Quad Buggies for a slow nature drive on our private lodge reserve. Enjoy breath-taking views over the Desert grass plains with occasional photo stops where our knowledgeable guides explain the Desert fauna and flora.

We go higher up to the foothills to watch a spectacular sunset whilst enjoying non-alcoholic sundowner drinks and then make our way back to the lodge just before dark.

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+264-61-375 650
Wichtige Information
Im Preis enthalten
English speaking driver/guide, non-alcoholic refreshments, still mineral water & safety Gear
Im Preis nicht enthalten
Tips and gratuities
Storno Regelung
This tour is facilitated by Natural Destinations, the official tour partner of TiA. Any booking are on request only and you will receive a separate booking confirmation from Natural Destinations together with payment infos. Any booking is only 100% confirmed once payment has been received.

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